Editorial Complaints Policy

At Independent Vapes, we strive to maintain the highest standards of journalism and editorial integrity. We value feedback from our readers and take complaints seriously. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our commitment to addressing complaints and resolving issues related to our editorial content.

Complaints Procedure:

a. Submitting a Complaint: If you have a complaint about any content published on Independent Vapes, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Editorial Complaint.” Clearly state the nature of your complaint and provide specific details, including the date, title, and author of the article in question.

b. Acknowledgment and Response: Upon receiving a complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within [insert timeframe, e.g., 2 business days]. We will then thoroughly review your complaint and provide a response within a reasonable timeframe, typically within [insert timeframe, e.g., 14 days].

c. Investigation and Resolution: Our editorial team will conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint, which may involve reviewing relevant materials, consulting with the author or other relevant parties, and assessing the accuracy, fairness, and compliance with our editorial guidelines.

d. Resolution and Communication: Once the investigation is complete, we will inform you of the outcome and any action taken. If we identify any errors or breaches of our editorial standards, we will take appropriate corrective measures, such as issuing corrections, retractions, or updates to the content, as necessary.

Complaints Criteria:

a. Relevance: We will only consider complaints related to our editorial content, including articles, reviews, and features published on Independent Vapes. Complaints about advertisements, user-generated content, or external websites linked to from our platform will not fall under the scope of this policy.

b. Specificity: Complaints should be specific and clearly identify the alleged inaccuracies, misleading information, or breaches of editorial standards. General feedback or disagreement with an opinion expressed in an article does not qualify as a valid complaint under this policy.

c. Timeframe: Complaints should be submitted in a timely manner, preferably within [insert timeframe, e.g., 30 days] from the publication date of the content in question. However, we may consider complaints received after this timeframe if they involve serious allegations or exceptional circumstances.


a. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may request an appeal. To do so, please provide additional details or evidence that you believe were not adequately considered during the initial investigation. Appeals should be sent to [insert contact details] within [insert timeframe, e.g., 14 days] of receiving our response to your initial complaint.

b. Appeals will be reviewed by a designated senior member of our editorial team, who will conduct a thorough reassessment of the complaint and provide a final decision. The outcome of the appeal will be communicated to you within a reasonable timeframe.

External Recourse:

a. If you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint or the outcome of an appeal, you may choose to seek external recourse, such as contacting the relevant regulatory or industry bodies. We will provide you with information about the appropriate external avenues for complaint resolution upon request.

Transparency and Public Accountability:

a. Independent Vapes is committed to transparency and public accountability. We will maintain records of all complaints received, investigations conducted, and actions taken in response to complaints. While we will respect your privacy and confidentiality, we may disclose aggregated information about complaints and their resolutions in our periodic reports or publicly available documents.

If you have any questions or require further information regarding our Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact us at [email protected]

Last Updated: 25-7-2023